Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Shipping within Russia

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Pick up your order from the warehouse closest to you or directly from the NPO KRIOMAS factory.

Export of Products

Export of NPO KRIOMAS products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All NPO KRIOMAS products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant NPO KRIOMAS: dewar vessels for laboratories, medicine, genetics, storage of liquid nitrogen, oxygen and biomaterials.
  • Dewar vessels for liquid nitrogen storage NPO KRIOMAS
    Dewar vessels for liquid nitrogen storage
    SDP-4/32, etc.
  • Dewar vessels for laboratories, medicine NPO KRIOMAS
    Dewar vessels for laboratories, medicine
    NEW LIFE series, etc.
  • Dewar vessels for biomaterial storage NPO KRIOMAS
    Dewar vessels for biomaterial storage
    SDS-6-2/60, etc.
  • Dewar vessels for liquid oxygen storage NPO KRIOMAS
    Dewar vessels for liquid oxygen storage
    SDP-6/32K, etc.
  • Vessels of the SDTSP series, cryovedra NPO KRIOMAS
    Vessels of the SDTSP series, cryovedra
    SDTSP-17/300, etc.
  • Dewar vessels of the SD series NPO KRIOMAS
    Dewar vessels of the SD series
    SD-100, SD-250, etc.
  • Gasifiers NPO KRIOMAS
    GHK 100, GHK 195, etc.
  • Cryogenic baths NPO KRIOMAS
    Cryogenic baths
    VK-15 and others.
  • Bio -storage facilities NPO KRIOMAS
    Bio -storage facilities
    XB-300, etc.
  • Cryodestructors NPO KRIOMAS
    nitrogen , etc .
  • Heat exchangers NPO KRIOMAS
    Heat exchangers
    KV 3136.000 , etc .
  • Accessories NPO KRIOMAS
    carriers, valves KK-42, etc.


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